New pieces!

Posted by JeanCabot on October 18, 2024 in content |

With the help of someone with photography equipment, I got some photos of my latest ceramic cats – very small, loonie for scale. Plus some other animals! Here is a few – I’m going to be setting up a gallery soon of my pieces on the site. But before the cats, check it out! I made action figures of Hamham from my webcomic (HamsterBandit Industries) at which just had its 43rd update!


Various shots of two ceramic hamsters.

Hamham from! I made action figures.

Onto the cats:


3 ceramic cats around a loonie.

I’m really pleased with how the camera did these, they have such a great visual texture.


3 ceramic kittens around a loonie.

The littlest kitten’s single orange patch was inspired by my childhood guinea pig who had a similar one. The day after she died I went to a Great Big Sea concert and there was a chubby girl in front of me with black hair and a single orange patch and I still wonder about that to this day.


4 ceramic kittens around a loonie.

We’re going to have to work on the light adjustments for some of the retakes but I just want to say I really love the expression I put on that marmalade one.



ALSO: Hedgehogs


3 ceramic hedgehogs around a loonie.

I think I’ve finalized my hedgehog design.


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