New pieces!
With the help of someone with photography equipment, I got some photos of my latest ceramic cats – very small, loonie for scale. Plus some other animals! Here is a few – I’m going to be setting up a gallery soon of my pieces on the site. But before the cats, check it out! I made action figures of Hamham from my webcomic (HamsterBandit Industries) at which just had its 43rd update!
Onto the cats:

The littlest kitten’s single orange patch was inspired by my childhood guinea pig who had a similar one. The day after she died I went to a Great Big Sea concert and there was a chubby girl in front of me with black hair and a single orange patch and I still wonder about that to this day.

We’re going to have to work on the light adjustments for some of the retakes but I just want to say I really love the expression I put on that marmalade one.
ALSO: Hedgehogs
Recent updates: Sketchbooks, comic progress, more ceramics
Hidey ho.
No new stories posted (though many finished) but I have been busy still.
Over on I’ve posted two sketchbooks, Flower Studies from 2020 and a sketchbook of doodles from a course in 2023. Here and here.
My ceramics have gotten smaller and more detailed, as well as I managed to trade some cats for some plates to decorate.
Ceramic figurines!
I’ve been indulging my love of small creechers lately and have put up a storefront to sell them from. I’m trying Ko-Fi because of the no fees and it allowing me to set the shipping fees (lower than I actually pay Canada Post, but god, Canda Post wants 20+ dollars for shipping for the smallest packages, so I’m doing my best here)
If you want small ceramic animals, I’m your man. The majority of them are an inch or less in height.
NEW SITE: HamsterBandit Industries (the webcomic) has its own page now!
HamsterBandit Industries at
The new home of the webcomic HamsterBandit Industries. Previous posts of the comic have been removed from this blog as its primary purpose is as a hub page for projects.
Tater Tots Supreme
Something a little different today – in Canada, the Taco Bells serve fries and one of those fry dishes is the Fries Supreme. Unfortunately, where I live the Taco Bell vanished overnight (aliens?) so we had to come up with our own version to satisfy the craving.
I present to you a hamster bandit recipe.
Tater Tots Supreme
1 bag tater tots
1 pound ground beef + packet of taco seasoning
1 jar nacho cheese sauce
1 container of sour cream (added to taste)
1 handful shredded cheese of choice
Cook ground beef w/ taco seasoning
Layer tater tots (frozen) into casserole dish (long and rectangular preferred)
Layer on beef
Layer on nacho cheese sauce
Layer on sour cream
Toss on the cheese
Bake until whatever time it takes to make a frozen tater tot into food according to instructions.
New Story: 10 Haunted Drabbles
Latest story is 10 bite-size ghost stories in the Ghost Stories category.
- 10 very short ghost stories. The miracle that wasn’t, a mixtape with more than memories, a dangerous garden, and more in this collection.
New story: Haunted Places, Haunted Spaces
A new story has been added to the ghost stories section.
Haunted Places, Haunted Spaces
- A compilation of 15 haunted locations and objects.
3 New Stories Added
The Ghost Stories page has 3 new stories! As well there’s a page now to Support HamsterBandit!
New stories:
- A short story about toys, children, and how it doesn’t end well when you completely dismiss both.
I lived alone with my daughter in a house which was far too large for us, but had the advantage of being inherited from my parents. I worked hard to maintain it and expected my daughter to do what she could to make raising her simpler. She was a quiet girl, her most obvious fault a tendency toward flights of fancy while I did my best to keep her anchored in reality.
At The Edge of the Old Forest was a Spirit
- At the edge of the rainforest was a spirit, leading the replanting efforts to work in reverse in an attempt to delay contact. But they can’t stop planting and what remains of the forest, both living and dead, intends they finish the job. Keli wants to see the rainforest flourish again
Life is a highway, I want to ride it all night long
- On a lonely stretch of road it’s a yearly event. (A story about the Phantom Passenger)